11667 Compass Point Dr N San Diego Ca 92126
Beds | Baths | # of Units | Average SF |
4 Beds 4 Beds 4 Br | 3 Baths 3 Baths 3 Ba | 1 | 1,611 SF |
* Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
* Square footage definitions vary. Displayed square footage is approximate.
About 11667 Compass Point Dr N San Diego, CA 92126
great 4 br home Not Specified units 2-car Garage Parking. home greets you with an open formal living room and dining room. There is a family room with fireplace and large open kitchen great for cooking and entertaining. Sliding glass door out to patio/backyard. Upstairs you will find the master bedroom with walk-in closet. Dual sinks in the bath. The other three bedrooms are a good size, making this a great family home. Great Mira Mesa location, minutes from the 15, 805, and 56 freeways. Close to all major shopping. Very near Sorrento Valley, Scripps Ranch, Rancho Penasquitos, Carmel Valley. MILITARY DISCOUNTS!
11667 Compass Point Dr N is a house located in San Diego County, the 92126 ZIP Code, and the San Diego Unified attendance zone.
House Features
- Fireplace
- Refrigerator
- Yard
Lease Details & Fees
This Property
Available Property
Situated 17 miles northeast of Downtown San Diego, Mira Mesa can be characterized as a relaxed inland enclave of the San Diego area with all of the conveniences of suburban living. With easy access to I-15 and I-805, commuting to the big city and other nearby locations is a breeze! A popular movie theater, variety of retailers, and great schools reside in this area, as well as the community college campus of San Diego Miramar College.
Enjoy the wide range of shopping and dining options at Mira Mesa Mall, Mesa Shopping Center, and more. From clothing stores and pet supplies to popular restaurants and convenience stores, this commercial district has it all. For some outdoor fun, enjoy the sprawling Mira Mesa Community Park, equipped with athletic fields, courts, playgrounds, and open green space amidst highly populated suburban streets boasting upscale apartments, houses, condos, and townhome rentals.
Learn More About Mira Mesa
Below are rent ranges for similar nearby apartments
Beds | Average Size | Lowest | Typical | Premium |
Studio Studio Studio | 458 Sq Ft | $1,595 | $1,930 | $2,265 |
1 Bed 1 Bed 1 Bed | 685-686 Sq Ft | $1,650 | $2,269 | $3,161 |
2 Beds 2 Beds 2 Beds | 996-997 Sq Ft | $1,800 | $2,776 | $3,950 |
3 Beds 3 Beds 3 Beds | 1356 Sq Ft | $2,150 | $3,481 | $4,850 |
4 Beds 4 Beds 4 Beds | 1796 Sq Ft | $3,000 | $3,585 | $3,995 |
- Fireplace
- Refrigerator
- Yard
Colleges & Universities
11667 Compass Point Dr N is within 6 minutes or 2.1 miles from San Diego Miramar College. It is also near Alliant International University and University of California, San Diego.
School data provided by GreatSchools The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on a scale of 1 (below average) to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process.
Grades 9-12
2,400 Students
11667 Compass Point Dr N is near San Diego International , located 17.6 miles or 26 minutes away, and McClellan-Palomar, located 26.2 miles or 38 minutes away.
Commuter Rail | Drive | Distance |
Commuter Rail | Drive | Distance |
Sorrento Valley | 15 min | 8.2 mi |
Airports | Drive | Distance |
Airports | Drive | Distance |
San Diego International | 26 min | 17.6 mi |
McClellan-Palomar | 38 min | 26.2 mi |
Walkability Near 11667 Compass Point Dr N San Diego, CA 92126
Scores provided by
Points of Interest
Time and distance from 11667 Compass Point Dr N.
Shopping Centers | Drive | Distance |
Shopping Centers | Drive | Distance |
H Mart Shopping Center | 3 min | 1.0 mi |
Black Mountain Village | 4 min | 1.5 mi |
Oak Tree Plaza | 5 min | 1.5 mi |
11667 Compass Point Dr N has 3 shopping centers within 1.5 miles, which is about a 5-minute drive. The miles and minutes will be for the farthest away property.
Parks and Recreation | Drive | Distance |
Parks and Recreation | Drive | Distance |
Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve | 9 min | 4.1 mi |
Black Mountain Open Space Park | 14 min | 6.7 mi |
Lusardi Creek Preserve | 20 min | 9.3 mi |
Torrey Pines State Reserve | 22 min | 12.0 mi |
Marian Bear Memorial Park | 19 min | 13.3 mi |
11667 Compass Point Dr N has 5 parks within 13.3 miles, including Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve, Black Mountain Open Space Park, and Lusardi Creek Preserve.
Military Bases | Drive | Distance |
Military Bases | Drive | Distance |
USMC Air Station Miramar | 26 min | 7.8 mi |
11667 Compass Point Dr N is 7.8 miles and a 26 minutes drive from USMC Air Station Miramar.
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11667 Compass Point Dr N San Diego Ca 92126
Source: https://www.apartments.com/11667-compass-point-dr-n-san-diego-ca/5nbevkn/