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Inspec Compliance Upload Profile Is Already Vendors

Using meta-profiles with Chef Compliance

This article demonstrates InSpec's meta profile functionality in combination with Chef Compliance. This feature enables yous to write profile overlays and to reuse controls from existing profiles. This is a great way to manage deviations of out-of-the-box profiles shipped with Chef Compliance.

A meta profile is an overlay or a collection of multiple profiles. Examples are:

  • a deviation from CIS benchmarks
  • collection of all CIS profiles that utilise to your infrastructure (eg. a company-broad contour)

The structure of a meta contour (east.thou. Summit InSpec profile) is identical to any other InSpec contour:

                $ tree elevation-inspec-profile acme-inspec-contour ├── LICENSE ├── ├── controls │   ├── hardening.rb │   ├── patch.rb │   └── ssl.rb └── inspec.yml              

InSpec dependencies are defined in inspec.yml via depends:

                $ cat acme-inspec-contour/inspec.yml name: tiptop-inspec-profile title: Meta profile                  for                  Elevation Inc maintainer: Christoph Hartmann copyright: Christoph Hartmann copyright_email: license: Apache                  two.0 summary: This profile collects all compliance and security related requirements                  for                  Top Inc. version:                  0.1.0 depends:   - name: linux-patch-benchmark     git:   - name: windows-patch-benchmark     git:   - name: bone-hardening     git:   - name: ssh-hardening     git:   - name: ssl-criterion     git:              

In addition to git dependencies, InSpec supports supermarket, url and compliance dependencies equally profile locations too:

                depends:                  # defaults to supermarket                  - name: hardening/ssh-hardening                  # remote tar or zip file                  - name: os-hardening     url:                  # git                  - git:   - name: windows-patch-benchmark     git:                  # Chef Compliance / Chef Automate                  - name: linux     compliance: base/linux              

One time you depend on another contour, you can leverage all its controls in your meta profile. Additionally all custom InSpec resources are bachelor too, in case y'all want to define new controls.

                $ true cat tiptop-inspec-profile/controls/hardening.rb                  # encoding: utf-eight                  #                  # Licensed under the Apache License, Version two.0 (the "License");                  # you may not employ this file except in compliance with the License.                  # You may obtain a copy of the License at                  #                  #     http://world wide                  #                  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software                  # distributed nether the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,                  # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR Atmospheric condition OF Whatever KIND, either limited or implied.                  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and                  # limitations under the License.                  #                  # author: Christoph Hartmann                  # author: Dominik Richter                  # ensure linux servers are hardenend                  include_controls                  'os-hardening'                  include_controls                  'ssh-hardening'                              

InSpec provides include_controls and require_controls keywords to load controls from inherited profiles. By default, no controls are executed after y'all defined its dependency in inspec.yml. The parameter for include_controls eg. bone-hardening matches the name in inspec.yml. In that specific case, nosotros merely import all controls from our dependency. Further documentation about this behavior available at InSpec Docs. The dependency management functionality is specified in RFC Dependencies


While InSpec allows runtime resolution of dependencies, customers want to ensure safety for their production environment. Some challenges I have seen very frequently:

  • no internet is bachelor in air-gapped environments
  • new profile updates need to be tested before they are used in production
  • integration in CI/CD pipelines

In club to help with those challenges, the InSpec team decided to establish a vendoring mechanism for profiles. This procedure is defined in Vendor dependent profiles in archive and is composed of 2 steps:

  • resolve all dependencies and their versions
  • download all dependencies into vendor directory

Once those steps are finalized, an InSpec contour can be executed standalone without whatever cyberspace connection bachelor during runtime. Chef Compliance and Chef Automate prefer that approach over runtime contour resolution.

The lockfile inspec.lock looks similar to inspec.yml, just describes all version constraints.

                cat top-inspec-profile/inspec.lock --- lockfile_version:                  one                  depends: - proper noun: linux-patch-criterion   resolved_source:     git:     ref: d53030317b711f36fa2fde9e18170ce6b4eaacf2   version_constraints:                  ">= 0"                  - name: windows-patch-criterion   resolved_source:     git:     ref: c183d08eb25638e7f5eac97e521640ea314c8e3d   version_constraints:                  ">= 0"                  - name: os-hardening   resolved_source:     git:     ref: da3a1b6ce8a845d6818152a824e123c2445c355f   version_constraints:                  ">= 0"                  - proper noun: ssh-hardening   resolved_source:     git:     ref: 75754b9b3fe45c601f0fa0036b01c61c8b8e26d9   version_constraints:                  ">= 0"                  - name: ssl-benchmark   resolved_source:     git:     ref: e17486c864434c818f96ca13edd2c5a420100a45   version_constraints:                  ">= 0"                              

All dependencies are downloaded and stored in vendor directory.

                tree peak-inspec-contour acme-inspec-contour ├── LICENSE ├── README.doc ├── controls │   ├── hardening.rb │   ├── patch.rb │   └── ssl.rb ├── inspec.lock ├── inspec.yml └── vendor     ├── 75754b9b3fe45c601f0fa0036b01c61c8b8e26d9     │   ├──     │   ├── Gemfile     │   ├──     │   ├── Rakefile     │   ├── controls     │   │   ├── ssh_spec.rb     │   │   └── sshd_spec.rb     │   ├── inspec.yml     │   └── libraries     │       └── ssh_crypto.rb     ├── c183d08eb25638e7f5eac97e521640ea314c8e3d     │   ├──     │   ├── ChefCompliance.png     │   ├── InSpec+Update.png     │   ├── LICENSE     │   ├──     │   ├── Windows+Update.png     │   ├── controls     │   │   └── patches.rb     │   ├── inspec.yml     │   └── libraries     │       └── windows_updates.rb     ├── d53030317b711f36fa2fde9e18170ce6b4eaacf2     │   ├── CentOS+Patch.png     │   ├── Gemfile     │   ├── LICENSE     │   ├── README.physician     │   ├── Rakefile     │   ├── controls     │   │   └── patches.rb     │   ├── inspec.yml     │   └── libraries     │       └── linux_updates.rb     ├── da3a1b6ce8a845d6818152a824e123c2445c355f     │   ├──     │   ├── Gemfile     │   ├──     │   ├── Rakefile     │   ├── controls     │   │   ├── os_spec.rb     │   │   ├── package_spec.rb     │   │   └── sysctl_spec.rb     │   └── inspec.yml     └── e17486c864434c818f96ca13edd2c5a420100a45         ├──         ├── controls         │   └── ssl_test.rb         └── inspec.yml                  15                  directories,                  43                  files              

In social club to run meta profiles we need at least Chef Compliance 1.7.3. Side by side, merely clone the Acme InSpec profile via git clone We take ii options to upload the profile to Chef Compliance:

  • Upload via InSpec CLI
  • Upload of archive via Chef Compliance Web UI

The first is the easiest since everything is washed for you with one command.

Upload via InSpec CLI

First, y'all need to login to Chef Compliance. Y'all observe your login token in Chef Compliance via the nigh dialog.

Copy the token from Chef Compliance
Access Token in Chef Compliance

Use that token to login via InSpec CLI:

                $ inspec compliance login https://compliance.examination --insecure --user=                  'admin'                  --token=                  'eyJh....Jlqg'                  API access token stored  $ git clone Cloning into                  'height-inspec-profile'... remote: Counting objects:                  12,                  washed. remote: Full                  12                  (delta                  0                  ), reused                  0                  (delta                  0                  ), pack-reused                  12                  Unpacking objects:                  100%                  (                  12/12),                  done. Checking connectivity...                  washed.              

Once you are logged in, yous use the compliance upload control to bundle and upload the top-inspec-profile profile for Chef Compliance.

                $ inspec compliance upload acme-inspec-contour             Vendor dependencies of acme-inspec-profile into acme-inspec-profile/vendor I,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:43.899931                  #90853]  INFO -- : Checking profile in elevation-inspec-contour                  I,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:43.900029                  #90853]  INFO -- : Metadata OK.                  `command(ssh).exist?`                  is non suported on your Os: I,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070233                  #90853]  INFO -- : Constitute 120 controls.                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070519                  #90853]  WARN -- : Control verify-kb has no description                  Westward,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070555                  #90853]  WARN -- : Control important-count has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070571                  #90853]  WARN -- : Control important-patches has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070581                  #90853]  WARN -- : Control of import-patches has no tests defined                  Westward,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070591                  #90853]  WARN -- : Control optional-count has no clarification                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070601                  #90853]  WARN -- : Command optional-patches has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070610                  #90853]  WARN -- : Command optional-patches has no tests divers                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070619                  #90853]  WARN -- : Control verify-patches has no clarification                  Due west,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070629                  #90853]  WARN -- : Control patches has no description                  Due west,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.070638                  #90853]  WARN -- : Command patches has no tests defined                  Profile is valid Generate temporary contour archive at /var/folders/jy/2bnrfb4s36jbjtzllvhhyqhw0000gn/T/acme-inspec-profile20161206-90853-kzpo1p.tar.gz I,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.088457                  #90853]  INFO -- : Generate archive /var/folders/jy/2bnrfb4s36jbjtzllvhhyqhw0000gn/T/superlative-inspec-profile20161206-90853-kzpo1p.tar.gz.                  I,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:24:44.194607                  #90853]  INFO -- : Finished archive generation.                  Start upload to admin/acme-inspec-profile Uploading to Chef Compliance Successfully uploaded profile              

The profile is available in Chef Compliance at present:

The meta profile is available in Chef Compliance
Meta profile in Chef Compliance

Upload of archive via Chef Compliance Web UI

In cases, where you cannot upload the profile via CLI, y'all have to archive the profile manually. At first yous trigger the vendoring process via inspec vendor

                $ inspec vendor acme-inspec-profile Vendor dependencies of acme-inspec-contour into top-inspec-profile/vendor              

In one case the vendoring process is done, the vendor directory and the inspec.lock are placed in the acme-inspec-profile directory. At present, run inspec annal to generate a packet.

                $ inspec archive meridian-inspec-contour I,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.234327                  #93241]  INFO -- : Checking profile in acme-inspec-profile                  I,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.234422                  #93241]  INFO -- : Metadata OK.                  `control(ssh).exist?`                  is not suported on your Bone: I,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.376949                  #93241]  INFO -- : Found 126 controls.                  Due west,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377156                  #93241]  WARN -- : Command verify-kb has no clarification                  Westward,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377181                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control important-count has no clarification                  West,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377199                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control important-patches has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377214                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control of import-patches has no tests divers                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377225                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control optional-count has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377235                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control optional-patches has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377243                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control optional-patches has no tests divers                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377253                  #93241]  WARN -- : Command verify-patches has no clarification                  Due west,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377262                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control patches has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377277                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control patches has no tests defined                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377294                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control tls1.2 has no description                  Due west,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377329                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control tls1.2 has no tests defined                  Westward,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377339                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control ssl2 has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377392                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control ssl2 has no tests defined                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377408                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control ssl3 has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377419                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control ssl3 has no tests defined                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377429                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control tls1.0 has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377441                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control tls1.0 has no tests defined                  West,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377480                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control tls1.1 has no description                  W,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377536                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control tls1.1 has no tests defined                  Westward,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377567                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control rc4 has no description                  Due west,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.377586                  #93241]  WARN -- : Control rc4 has no tests divers                  I,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.378081                  #93241]  INFO -- : Generate archive /Users/chartmann/Development/compliance/inspec/acme-inspec-contour.tar.gz.                  I,                  [                  2016-12-06T10:32:59.486476                  #93241]  INFO -- : Finished archive generation.                              
Upload the profile to Chef Compliance
Profile Upload Chef Compliance

Scan a node

VoilĂ , the profile is available in Chef Compliance:

Browse the profile in Chef Compliance
View contour details in Chef Compliance

The profile tin can be selected for remote scans via the Chef Compliance dashboard:

Trigger a scan in Chef Compliance
Trigger browse in Chef Compliance

Once the browse is done, you lot'll see a study including controls from all dependent profiles:

The meta profile is available in Chef Compliance
Meta profile in Chef Compliance


We've seen how meta profiles are divers and executed. The new meta contour mechanism makes it easy for users to define complex scenarios and manage profile deviations in an easy and understandable fashion. Inline with the InSpec philosophy, everything is defined as Compliance as Code.

Let me know how that works for you!
